WooCommerce integration

Quick start


The installation process for the plugin is straightforward and follows the standard procedure. Follow these instructions to install the plugin.

Getting ready

Once the plugin installation is finished and the plugin is ready, the next step is to connect the plugin with Oxilayer. To do this, you'll need to have the app ID and password provided by Oxilayer.com.

If you don't have an account yet, you can register for a FREE account here.

Next, go to WordPress admin > WooCommerce > Oxilayer PDF Invoice > Other Settings. Then, enter your "App ID" and "App Password" and click on the "Test Connection" button (1).

If the access is valid, you should see changes in the license status (2), as well as a success note (3).

To save the settings, click on the "Save" button.

Printing invoices

Once the plugin is connected with Oxilayer, from now on, you can customize PDF templates and print PDF invoices. The plugin has already created a default PDF template during the installation process, so all that is left to do is to create an invoice and print it.

Before printing an invoice PDF, it's necessary to confirm that payment has been received by creating an invoice. Our plugin requires this action to maintain invoice numbers in sequence and prevent the creation of invoices for unpaid orders.

To create an invoice, go to WordPress admin > WooCommerce > Orders > Click on the order > Click on "Create Invoice" (1).

Once the invoice is created, the "Create Invoice" button will be replaced with the "Print Invoice" button (1).Click on the "Print Invoice" button to download the PDF invoice.

Click on the "Print Invoice" button to download the PDF invoice.

Customizing PDF template

The plugin includes a PDF template editor that allows you to customize PDF templates. All PDF templates are located at: WordPress Admin > WooCommerce > Oxilayer PDF Invoice > PDF Templates. To start customizing templates, simply click on the "Open in Editor" link. As a result, the template should be loaded into the Oxilayer PDF template editor.

When your editing is complete, simply click on the "Save & Close" button.

These are the main areas where most of the actions will take place when using our plugin. For more information about functionality and configuration, please refer to other pages in this user manual.